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Lynne Spears Wants To Reconcile With Britney Amid Abandonment Claims: ‘I Love You’


Britney Spears, Lynne Spears

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Image Credit: Broadimage/Shutterstock

Lynne Spears, 67, is asking her daughter Britney Spears, 40, to let her “come” to her, in a heartbreaking new message. The concerned mother shot down claims that she and others abandoned the singer while she was in a mental health facility back in 2019, by reposting a screenshot of a text message exchange between Britney, her lawyer, and her friend, Jansen Fitzgerald. Britney shared the same exchange, which only showed her own texts asking for help, in a now deleted post on her own Instagram over the weekend, and said she received “no response,”, but Lynne’s own post appeared to show the alleged missing responses.

“Britney, I have all the ‘whole conversations’ as well! I hurt for you that you feel the people who love you the most betrayed you! Let me come to you! I love you!” Lynne captioned her post of the screenshot, which was originally posted by Jansen, whom Britney also said she “never heard back from.” The texts show Jansen’s messages to Britney after the “…Baby One More Time” crooner asked for help finding a new lawyer and advice on the drug lithium, which she claimed had been given to her against her will during her conservatorship. Jansen’s responses advised Britney she “had to research” the medication because she didn’t “know tons” about it.

“I at least think u are in a safe range at least. It says they monitor blood levels so they can keep it in a certain range,” Jansen wrote after Britney asked if it was “really healthy and ok to give blood for THAT LONG.” Another message showed her response to Britney’s request for the phone number of a man name John Bell. She wrote that she had “no luck on getting his number this week” because the one person she knew may have had it replied to her request with an automatic “‘out of office’ message.”

Britney Spears, Lynne Spears
Britney and Lynne Spears during a previous outing. (Broadimage/Shutterstock)

In addition to the screenshot, Jansen attached her own explanation of what she said to Britney and her opinion of the musician’s claims. “I did respond!! I have always felt like some of my messages were deleted,” she wrote over one part of the photo. “This msg along with THOUSANDS of msgs were sent to the court investigator in 2019 in order to help my friend Britney Spears,” she wrote in another more lengthy caption before adding that they “talked daily when she was in her last facility.”

“I don’t know if some of my msgs to her were deleted by outside sources or what happened but I do know the courts had them all as I was very concerned for her and felt that my messages could help her case,” she continued. She also claimed that she and Lynne “even went to New Orleans and met with an attorney to try and help her because we knew they wouldn’t let us near her” before concluding with, “When she left the facility my phone number was blocked from her and we have never spoken again!”

It’s unclear if Lynne and Jansen’s responses to Britney, who has been estranged from her family, had been monitored and/or deleted, but Britney’s father, Jamie Spears, was previously accused of keeping an eye on her texts when he was her conservator. However, through his lawyer, he’s denied doing anything without Britney’s consent and knowledge. Britney has yet to publicly respond to Lynne and Jansen.