The wait is almost over! I’ve been keeping an eye on the Royal Protocol LP Game for a long time. Now that the release date is almost here, I’m more hyped about it than ever. This is seriously a huge move by the company. They are proving themselves to be the real deal by giving away $1,000,000+ worth of their governance token. When I invest in a liquidity pool, I want to be absolutely sure that both the coin and the company supporting it has rock solid foundations. So, I did some digging, and found this audit by Solidity.Finance that cemented my trust in the organization (check it out yourself- This LP Game definitely gives me faith that Royal Protocol intends to put its money where its mouth is.
Since my initial research on the coin showed a lot of promise, I had already planned on staking a fair amount of ROY in the near future. This leaderboard structure that they’ve proposed fits in perfectly with those plans. My primary goal is to get that sweet GROY payout, but all the merch and swag bag rewards are definitely a huge cherry on the top.
I’ve been singing praises of Royal Protocol for a while now, so it feels incredibly good to see they are doing right by their supporters. They weren’t kidding when they talked about the revolution that was about to hit the world of gaming and crypto. I really feel like I’m about to enter the future of blockchain right alongside them!