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‘House Of The Dragon’ Recap: Daemon Kills [Spoiler] & Rhaenyra Fights With Viserys


Matt Smith

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Image Credit: HBO

In the aftermath of yet another fiery battle. The Crabfeeder continues to wreak havoc on the battlefield. Suddenly, Caraxes approaches, burning more of the battlfield. Daemon tries to lure the Crabfeeder out. The Crabfeeder’s men retaliate with fiery bows, so Daemon is forced to retreat with Caraxes.

This war with Crabfeeder has been going on for a couple of years. Alicent has already married Viserys and given birth to Aegon II. She’s currently pregnant with her second child.

Viserys Rhaenyra
Viserys and Rhaenyra in episode 3. (HBO)

A messenger comes with news about the Stepstones and the Crabfeeder. Viserys dismisses what’s going on with his brother and the Sea Snake since they started a war without his explicit permission. He’s really concerned about Rhaenyra and demands to know where she is.

Alicent goes to find her. Rhaenyra remains stubborn and refuses to see her father, so Alicent is forced to exert her power as queen consort. She tells Rhaenyra about the upcoming hunt and tries to get her to join in, but Rhaenyra is not having it. However, she does have to join Viserys, Alicent, and little Aegon II in a carriage as they head to a celebration.

Viserys attempts yet again to get Rhaenyra to be a part of the hunt. She continues to be dismissive. Viserys reminds her of her duties. “No one’s here for me,” she snaps. This celebration is for Aegon. The crowd cheers for the child when they arrive, and no one even inquires about Rhaenyra, the future queen. She’s left alone in the carriage.

Rhaenyra & Viserys Argue Over Marriage

At a celebration, the ladies sit and gossip with Alicent. Daemon’s war comes up, and Rhaenyra is asked about him. She says she hasn’t spoken to him in years. One of the women basically blames this war on Rhaenyra because she was named heir over Daemon. Alicent defends Rhaenyra, telling everyone that Rhaenyra was “more suited to the role” of ruling Westeros than Daemon.

Rhaenyra meets Jason Lannister, who isn’t shy about the proposition of marriage. Understandably, Rhaenyra gets annoyed and walks away furious. She confronts her father, who put Jason up to this. He reveals that since she’s come of age he’s gotten marriage proposals from across the Realm.

“I do not wish to get married,” she tells her father. Viserys stresses that she must marry. She can’t avoid duty and tradition. Otto cuts their very public fight short, giving Rhaenyra time to ride away on horseback. Ser Criston Cole follows her. When he catches up to her, Rhaenyra opens up about the situation. She doesn’t want to just be worth increasing the standing of a lord of Casterly Rock. She knows she’s more than that.

Rhaenyra Criston
Rhaenyra and Criston in the woods. (HBO)

Back at base, Jason presents Viserys with a sword in honor of Aegon II. He brings up the idea of marrying Rhaenyra again and says she would be well-compensated for her “loss in station,” meaning when Viserys names Aegon II his heir. Viserys quickly reminds him that he didn’t name Rhaenyra his heir “on a whim.” He adds, “All the lords of the kingdom would do well to remember that.”

Otto reminds Viserys that he is the king. He can order Rhaenyra to do whatever he wants. Viserys doesn’t want to force his daughter to do anything. He wants her to be happy. Otto has another suggestion for Rhaenyra’s husband: Aegon II. Viserys looks at Otto in pure shock and then laughs off the idea. Aegon II just turned 2 years old. All this talk of marriage and politics annoys Viserys, so he continues to drink and drink.

Lyonel Strong is the one to come up with a decent suitor: Laenor Velaryon, the son of the Sea Snake. Laenor is of pure Valyrian descent and heir to the wealthiest house in the Realm. Viserys doesn’t immediately reject the idea. He just stumbles to his feet and walks away.

Rhaenyra & Criston Are Attacked

Criston pleads with Rhaenyra to return to base, but she wants to drag out this adventure as long as possible. “Do you think the Realm will ever accept me as their queen?” she asks him. Criston replies, “They’ll have no choice but to.”

Later, they hear something stirring in the woods. A warthog comes charging at them and knocks Criston down. The animal goes after Rhaenyra, and she tries to keep it from attacking her face. Criston stabs the warthog before he can do any damage. Rhaenyra grabs her knife and continues stabbing the warthog over and over again, unleashing all the anger she’s bottled up. By the time she’s done, Rhaenyra is covered in blood.

After hearing about suitor after suitor for Rhaenyra, Viserys speaks with Alicent. He’s torn about what to do about Rhaenyra and the succession. He claims that he once dreamed  a prophecy where his son was king. His obsession with this prophecy killed Aemma. He confesses that he thought naming Rhaenyra his heir would relieve him of the guilt he’s felt. Viserys says he “never imagined” he would remarry and have a son. “What if I was wrong?”  Viserys asks, alluding to naming Rhaenyra his heir.

Viserys Alicent
Viserys discusses Rhaenyra and a prophecy with Alicent. (HBO)

The next morning, a bloodstained Rhaenrya and Criston look out at the land around them. Suddenly, they see a white stag. Criston prepares to kill it, but Rhaenyra tells him no. She lets the white stag walk away free. They head back to base with the dead warthog. All eyes are on Rhaenyra when she returns. No one says a word.

Otto Believes Aegon II Will Be King Over Rhaenyra

Back in King’s Landing, Otto goes to see Alicent. He asks how she felt about the celebration. Otto brings up that Aegon II is the “future of the Realm” and that Aegon II’s  birth ended 15 years of “uncertainty and doubt.”

Otto believes that Aegon II was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms. Alicent doesn’t seem happy about this discussion. Otto doesn’t let up. He says if Rhaenyra “stepped over’ Aegon to ascend the throne the “Realm would tear itself apart.” Alicent reminds him that everyone already swore allegiance to her, but Otto responds that everyone did so before Aegon II was in the picture.

“Rhaenyra would be a good queen,” Alicent says. Otto says it doesn’t matter. “Rhaenrya is a woman,” he says. Alicent doesn’t want to raise her son to steal his sister’s birthright. “It is Aegon who’s being wronged. He’s the firstborn son of the king. To deny that he is heir to the throne is to assail the gods and men. The road ahead is uncertain, but the end is clear. Aegon will be king,” Otto declares.

Otto presses Alicent to convince Viserys of this. When Alicent goes to see her husband, Viserys is nursing a huge hangover. Rhaenrya’s marriage prospects come up again. Viserys says Rhaenyra needs a man who will serve as her “king consort.” Alicent believes Rhaenyra will marry, but she needs to think it’s her choice.

Corlys’ brother writes a letter to Viserys explaining how Daemon is losing the war at the Stepstones. It’s a plea for aid. Alicent persuades Viserys to send aid to Daemon and the Sea Snake. It’s best for the Realm.

Laenor Velaryon in episode 3. (HBO)

‘You Will Not Be Supplanted’

Later, Rhaenyra and Viserys argue again. She’s still pissed about the Jason Lannister situation. Viserys apologizes, insisting that he was only trying to help. He asks Rhaenyra why she’s always resisting him. “Because you mean to replace me with Alicent Hightower’s son, the boy you always wanted… You have no further use for me,” Rhaenyra says.

Viserys swears that she has “misjudged” him. “I do not seek to replace you, child,” Viserys says. He just wants to see her happy and content. She calls him out for all this talk of advantage. If this was about advantage, he would have married Laena Velaryon and not Alicent.

Viserys emphasizes that there’s no way around the obvious. He says that Rhaenrya must marry to “strengthen up your own claim, shore up your succession, multiply.” Viserys leaves it in her hands. “I did waver at one time. But I swear to you now, on your mother’s memory, you will not be supplanted,” Viserys promises.

Daemon Kills The Crabfeeder

At the Stepstones, the Velaryons start to discuss their next plan of attack without Daemon. There’s definitely some tension there. Daemon rides in on Caraxes and reads Viserys’ letter that says he’s sending help. Daemon returns to the battlefield and waves a white flag. The Crabfeeder shows himself.

Daemon emerges victorious in episode 3. (HBO)

As Daemon becomes surrounded by the Crabfeeder’s men, he kneels with his sword. One of Crabfeeder’s men takes his sword. It’s all a ruse. Daemon stabs the man and kills him. The arrows come flying, but he manages to evade them. Daemon continues to run.

More men charge toward him. It’s a gruesome fight. It’s Daemon vs. everyone. He’s shot with multiple arrows. Daemon is truly about to lose battle, but he stands with his sword ready for them. Just in the knick of time, Daemon’s soldiers arrive and Leanor saves him while riding Seasmoke.

The battle rages on, and Daemon runs into the caves to go after the Crabfeeder personally. He retreats with the severed body of Crabfeeder. Daemon is covered in blood, but the war has been won.